Best Rate Guarantee
Unmatched Savings for Your Whistler Stay
At Whistler Village Inn + Suites, we’re committed to offering you the best rates when you book directly with us. If you find a lower rate online through a third party, just let us know! We’ll match it, provided it meets the same criteria as our offer.How to Qualify for a Price Match
- The other offer must be for the same hotel, room type, and include the same amenities.
- It must be for the same check-in and check-out dates.
- The cancellation policy and conditions must match ours.
- Prices must be in Canadian dollars.
- Offers cannot be special promotions, part of a group, rewards program, corporate travel, or group block accommodations.
Offers That Don’t Qualify
- Websites that don’t reveal the property or room type until after booking.
- Loyalty or rewards programs, corporate travel, or group block accommodations.
- Special promotions or deals.
- Offers without immediate booking confirmation.
- Sites requiring login, credit card, or code to view prices.
- Unauthorized resale of an existing booking.
Simply provide us with the link to the offer, and we’ll take it from there. If a screenshot is more convenient, make sure it includes today’s date and timestamp. We know offers can vary based on location, so we’ll work with you to ensure you get the best rate possible.
Secure your Whistler adventure at Whistler Village Inn + Suites and enjoy the confidence of our Best Rate Guarantee!